Service Bus Cloud Explorer

Cloud Bricks

(1 hodnocení)

Service Bus Cloud Explorer

Cloud Bricks

(1 hodnocení)

Improves security and developer productivity with always-on web interface for Service Bus Management

Service Bus Cloud Explorer helps development and operation teams supporting Azure Service Bus solutions and improve overall security and developer productivity by providing the following features:

  • Allow users to authenticate to service bus entities: topics, topic subscriptions, queues via their own Azure Active Directory identities instead of local authentication (SAS tokens or Connection strings).
  • List all namespaces, topics, topic subscriptions, queues that logged in user have access to (via Access control (IAM)) across all Azure subscriptions.
  • Send messages to any topic or queue.
  • Peek messages from any topic subscription or queue.
  • Browse messages in any topic subscription or queue with paging, ordering and filtering functionality.
  • Receive/delete messages from any topic subscription or queue.
  • Replay failed messages in dead letter queues.
  • Import/Export messages from/to service bus entities.
  • Purge (delete all) messages in any topic subscription or queue.
  • List active message count and dead letter queue count for relevant entities.
  • Automatically refresh message counts as users send and receive messages via the app.
  • Generate short-lived SAS tokens for temporarily access of partners and developers.

For up-to-date features please visit product page
Or try basic features now by visiting the App URL: (Note: sign in via work/school account and consent is required)

  • Improves security by eliminating the need to share connection strings between team members.
  • Improves developer productivity by having a web-based application that's always running instead of installing/configuring software on each machine.
  • Helps development and testing teams easily develop and test Azure Service Bus solutions; send, receive, peek, and replay messages.
  • Provides operation and support teams with a robust view of all entities across all Azure subscriptions.

Help and support:
For more information please visit product page
For list of features and documentation, please visit User Guide
For information about setup process, please visit Setup Instructions
If you have any questions, please email: