DataStax Astra DB for Apache Cassandra

DataStax, Inc.

DataStax Astra DB for Apache Cassandra

DataStax, Inc.

(Pay-as-you-go) Cloud-native Database-as-a-Service built on Apache Cassandra™

Get started for free with Astra DB, the best way to run DataStax on Azure

Astra DB from DataStax provides the real-time vector data and RAG capabilities that Gen AI apps need, with seamless integration with Microsoft Azure services including Azure OpenAI, Azure Functions and Power Query.

Astra DB delivers:

  • Up to 18% more relevant vector search results

  • 8X to 15X higher throughput

  • Request responses to up to 12X faster

  • Ultra low latency on billions of vectors

Easy to get started with thanks to our JSON APIs, and powered by Cassandra, Astra DB makes all data, including vectors, available immediately with ZERO delay.

Reference Customer:

SkyPoint is revolutionizing operational efficiency in healthcare, by using Astra DB's vector search capabilities to enable efficient retrieval and semantic understanding of healthcare data, personalized recommendations, and support for high-dimensional data models.

Built on Apache Cassandra, Astra DB is the only vector database that can make vector updates immediately available to applications and scale to the largest real-time data and streaming workloads, securely on Azure. A 3-month Free Trial gives developers up to 80GB of storage and 20 million read/write operations per month.

With Astra DB, the complexity of self-managed Cassandra is a thing of the past. Whether you're new to Cassandra or an experienced user, you'll appreciate easy-to-use development and deployment with a click of a button.

For custom pricing, please contact

DataStax Astra DB includes 1 free 'Standard' support ticket at no additional cost with an option to upgrade to ‘Standard’ support with an 8-hour SLA. The same engineers that brought you Astra DB will help you throughout your entire application lifecycle. You can ask Astra and Cassandra experts any number of questions, and they will be with you 24 x 365, globally to help you in your journey. If you require higher support SLAs, please reach out to