centos 7 optimiz with wordpress

tunnelbiz Studio Sdn Bhd

centos 7 optimiz with wordpress

tunnelbiz Studio Sdn Bhd

we build ready to use centos 7 optimiz with wordpress

we build ready to use centos 7 optimiz with wordpress For faster web server we build the ready optimizing centos and php 7 server image

Key Benefits :
- Pre-Install wordpress
- CENTOS 7 secure and stable linux
- MariaDB open source databases
- PHP 7.2 The latest and faster php version
- PageSpeed high performance web sites
- Kernal Optimizing
- Selinux support make server more secure .
- Varnish cache

The Solution

By optimize the linux server , you sistem will work more faster and stable compare by default configure . This Vm come with advance configure for make you web server and web sistem more faster and secure.

install manual configure mysql

$sudo mysql_secure_installation
$sudo mysql -p
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE wordpressdbname
use browser http://youip/
enter you database infomation , dbname , dbuser and dbpassord .
copy file configure to wp-config.php use this command
$sudo vi /usr/share/nginx/html/wp-config.php
click install button in browser . and insert you wp admin id information

in web install using mysql id and password

for Install support and other requirement , Visit