Orchestrated Hybrid Cloud for SAP: 2-Wk Assessment

Atos International SAS

This 2-wk-assessment is the first phase of an end-to-end migration SAPtoAzure service. The full offer can be extended from assessment to Design, Build, Operate and Maintain.

Atos helps businesses take their SAP systems and realize the advantages of the agility and commercial benefits of Azure cloud. Atos provides hybrid cloud solutions for SAP, extending into the public cloud with Microsoft Azure. We ensure the required levels of security when moving SAP applications to the public cloud.

2 approaches:

  1. Complete large account Digital transformation by moving SAP to the Azure Cloud

  2. Proof of concept engaging customers in the experience of SAP on Azure

Business issues addressed by the solution:

  • Managing SAP is complex and companies are looking for a trusted and experienced supplier of SAP Managed Services who can deliver SAP on Azure. They want the flexibility that Azure cloud offers, and scale up and down without needing to invest in IT infrastructure (Capex to Opex).

Client Benefits:

  • Managed SAP Service for SAP on highly flexible Azure IAAS

  • TCO reduction

  • Security built-in

The solution consists in a proof of concept which represents the customer’s existing SAP development or sandbox system. Then Atos and Azure teams will:

  • move to the Azure cloud,

  • upgrade to S/4HANA,

  • technically adapt 3 critical business processes (to be selected with the client) to the new S/4HANA data model.

During the given time frame the team will arrange 3 -5 workshops to work through the process.
