Solutions Architect - Master Windows Migration


Engage with an Azure-certified Solutions Architect to create a migration plan aligned with your goals, ensuring a swift, seamless transition of your Microsoft Windows infrastructure to Azure.

Service Overview:

Migrating your Microsoft Windows infrastructure from a data center to Azure is a pivotal move that can redefine your business landscape. However, it demands a strategic approach backed by expert resources. AVASOFT’s team of Azure Certified engineers brings a wealth of experience in designing and executing successful migrations. By offering up to one hour of free consultation, we aim to help you streamline your migration journey, minimize downtime, and leverage cloud-native solutions effectively. Our goal is to make the transformative benefits of the cloud accessible, helping you achieve a quick and efficient migration that meets your critical business and technological objectives.

Key Features:

  • Complimentary Azure Expertise: Access up to one hour of free consultation with Azure-certified Solutions Architects specializing in Windows migrations.
  • Tailored Migration Plan: Custom-designed migration strategies that align with your specific business and technology needs.
  • Strategic Resource Allocation: Leverage AVASOFT’s extensive experience in cloud migrations to optimize your resource use, avoid common pitfalls, and reduce downtime.


  • Custom Migration Strategy Session: A focused consultation to understand your existing infrastructure and develop a migration plan tailored to your goals.
  • Expert Implementation Guidance: Insights and recommendations from Azure-certified engineers to facilitate a successful migration.
  • Strategic Roadmap: A detailed blueprint outlining the steps for a seamless transition to the cloud, aligned with your business objectives.

Next Steps:

  1. Schedule Your Free Consultation: Reach out to AVASOFT to claim your one hour of Certified Azure Windows Migration expertise.
  2. Strategic Planning Meeting: Discuss your Windows infrastructure and migration objectives with an Azure-certified Solutions Architect from AVASOFT.
  3. Migration Plan Development: Collaborate with AVASOFT to finalize a migration strategy that meets your business and technology needs.
  4. Begin Your Migration Journey: Proceed with the implementation of your tailored migration plan, supported by AVASOFT’s expert guidance every step of the way.