- Konzultační služby
Azure Blockchain Tokens & TTF: 2 Day Workshop
Participants will be able to understand how it’s possible to digitize their assets, define properties and behaviors for their assets, and establish a business ecosystem that governs their tokens.
Tokenization is the next wave in “Digital Transformation.” The ability to exchange value enables economic growth. Tokens have been used throughout time in various forms as a way for society to represent different types of value. The need to exchange value immutably between businesses has recently been recognized as a critical driver as we continue to globalize. As a result, Token Templates and their associated Standards are being developed to strengthen the future of globalization leveraging blockchain technology. Tokenization standards will allow the global economy to transfer value immutably and will eliminate the boundaries of “Intranet” or “Siloed” private blockchains through Token Management platforms that allow cross-chain interoperability. Envision Blockchain Solutions provides a 2 - day workshop in which participants will be able to not only understand the business value in tokenizing assets in order to increase revenue while reducing internal costs, but build the blueprints for implementation that are supported by the Microsoft Azure Blockchain Token platform and the Token Taxonomy Framework (TTF).