Hitachi AI Compass for Responsible AI

Hitachi Digital Services LLC

AI Compass is Hitachi Digital Services Responsible AI offering, which enables transparency, security, safety, privacy & trustworthiness in AI applications.

Hitachi Digital Services wants to empower your organization with our ML development framework and internally developed Responsible AI toolkit.

Bring GenAI solutions to your users and customers but also ensure that safety systems and guardrails are in place to protect both your organization, employees and customers.

Start with a 4-hour workshop, our expert-led Azure AI/ML team will meet with you and your IT team to introduce the core concepts of a Responsible AI, MDLC and LLMOps. The Hitachi team will then take your business problem/opportunity and in less than 6 weeks integrate our Responsible AI toolkit into your application or enterprise system.

Hitachi AI Compass is our Responsible AI solution, revolutionizes AI solutions by ensuring safety, trustworthiness, and ethical integrity through its comprehensive suite of microservices, safeguarding against toxicity, bias, and other ethical pitfalls, thus guaranteeing responsible AI implementation for every customer. 

Hitachi AI Compass provides a vital collection of microservices acting as a gateway to FM/LLM models, offering essential capabilities to detect and score toxicity, sentiment, refusal, jailbreak, bias, and prompt injection. Unlike industry standard LLMs with limited RAI controls, Hitachi-AI Compass is highly flexible, policy-driven, and customizable, becoming indispensable especially for customers utilizing open-source LLMs.

Hitachi AI Compass provides tailored Responsible AI controls, allowing flexibility to adjust policy scores according to regional, cultural, and organizational requirements.

By proactively filtering out invalid calls, Hitachi AI Compass optimizes cost efficiency associated with expensive LLM calls. Unlike open-source LLMs, Hitachi AI Compass ensures robust Responsible AI guardrails, enhancing trust and reliability in AI solutions and leveraging Azure ML Services

Our offering integrates directly with Azure ML Services, including Azure OpenAI. Here’s how this collaboration enhances your experience:

  • Advanced Language Models: Azure OpenAI Service provides access to powerful language models such as GPT-4 other foundation models. These models, combined with Hitachi AI Compass, elevate your AI capabilities in a controlled and policy driven fashion.
  • Security and Enterprise readiness: Azure OpenAI co-develops APIs with OpenAI, ensuring compatibility and security. You benefit from Azure’s enterprise-grade infrastructure while harnessing generative AI and the Hitachi AI Compass Responsible AI solution.