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Azure Terraform Workshop - 1 Day
The workshop will introduce Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) as well as the common provisioning tool Terraform and how to leverage it in Microsoft Azure to provision your infrastructure.
Agenda: Module 1: IaC This module will introduce Infrastructure-as-Code and why it is such an important concept when you are using a cloud model. It will also specifically discuss how having a DevOps team that knows IaC best practices can drastically improve your cloud experience.
Module 2: Introduction to Terraform This module introduces the infrastructure provisioning tool Terraform and how it works, specifically regarding configuration files.
Module 3: Terraform Core Features This module will discuss the core features of Terraform that enable your infrastructure deployment in Azure to be as smooth as possible. These features include IaC capability, execution plans, resource graphs, and change automation.
Module 4: Terraform Best Practices This module will introduce students to the best practices to follow when using Terraform. This section will help students understand how to keep costs as low as possible, avoid confusing conflicts, and overall keep the code clean, reusable, and able to be automated.
Module 5: Most Important Terraform Commands Like any other tool that utilizes a CLI, Terraform has a set of commands that can help make building, changing, or deploying infrastructure easier than ever. This module discusses these commands and provides use cases for each one.
Module 6: Introductory Terraform Workshop This module provides the student with some hands-on practice using Terraform. They will be led through how to install it on their local machine and completing an introductory lab that shows them how to create, change, and destroy infrastructure in Azure.
Module 7: Deploy Existing Infrastructure This module will allow students the hands-on practice to deploy existing infrastructure to Azure using terraform. They will have the ability to import one resource, multiple resources, a module, and set up a remote state.