Data Center Modernization: 2-Weeks Assessment

Information & Communication Technology W.L.L

Our Objective is to provide top quality services in terms of Data Center Assessment through the use of the Azure CAF to build a Roadmap and onboard our clients in their Cloud Journey.

This 2 to 3 Weeks assessment is designed to support the customer to onboard and plan for their cloud azure migration journey.

Process: the Information and Communication Technology Team will use Azure Native or Unified Cloud tools to Assess your existing cloud or on-premises data center environment (up to 70 VMS).

As an Azure Advanced DC Migration Specialist our certified team will review the outputs of the assessment and provide their recommendation based on our Cloud adoption migration framework:

  1. Current Infrastructure Physical and Virtual computability migration. 2) Roadmap for cloud onboarding and adoption. 3) Security Assessment. 4) Data and Application Migration Assessment.

Deliverables: the report will consist of the following components: * Define the business Strategy and case to the customer (why and how?), * Total Cost Ownership for workload migration, * High level design and deployment layout, * Migration feasibility and risk analysis, * Define the workloads and categorize IAAS, SAAS and PAAS, * Database migration to PAAS or application modernization, * Project time Line frame and downtime needed.

About ICT:

We are a Gold Partner and LSP Partner with more than 7 Advanced Specialist and gold competencies. We are trusted system integrator with ready solutions to help manage, securing and migrating to cloud. we committed to our customer to be part of their cloud transformation journey.