- Konsulenttjenester
DataCenter Modernization 6 Weeks Implementation
6 Weeks Solution Assessment for Datacenter Migration, get a full detailed offering including technical Assesment and cost details about Datacenter Migration or Hybrid Datacenter.
Datacenter Migration is a specialized solution that helps the organization how to move to Microsoft cloud.
With this solution you will be able to have a:
Technical Assessment for on premises workloads (1-2 Weeks): - Servers - Networking - Licensing
Cost details for you datacenter migration to Azure (1 Week): -PAYG, PAYG + AHB -1Y, 1Y + AHB -3Y, 3Y + AHB
Migration Plan for your datacenter migration (2 Weeks) based on your business needs and ITQS recommendations.
After the delivery of this services the customer will have detailed information about their infrastructure and the benefits of move their workloads to the cloud.