Modern Data Warehouse: 10-Day Assessment


Get 'one version of the truth' for the entire enterprise and all scalable data in one place

During our 10 - Day Modern Data Warehouse Assessment Service we would like to share our experience from a real Data Warehouse modernization project. We will analyze your current on-premise or hybrid cloud architecture. Together, we will develop a technological plan that will allow you to implement a Modern Data Warehouse and take full advantage of the possibilities of the Azure technology stack.

We will help you to achieve a highly scalable Enterprise Data Warehouse that can provide ‘one version of the truth’ for enterprise-wide data from all markets in one place.

Modernization of the existing data warehouses into Modern Data Warehouse will allow you to handle much larger volumes of data and perform complex operations on multiple data types, giving more in-depth insights.


  • (1 DAY) Inspiration: : 2 x online sessions (2 hours for AI & 2-3 hours for Modern Data Warehouse)
  • (6 DAY) Discovery: : Brainstorming session; Prioritize – graphical interpretation (costs vs time vs profit),;Canvas session with assigned owners; on-site or offline technical assessment (AI Readiness, Data Maturity, Scoping)
  • (3 DAY) Executive Summary: : Presentation with Data Strategy for organization; Document including: Use cases for AI implementation, Recommendations, Estimated costs of implementation, Scope of work)

Pricing factors which might change estimated pricing are travel and requirements for on-site work, number of experts, and number of business departments.