Data Architecture: ½-Day Workshop

Zoi TechCon GmbH

Learn how to more effectively use your data with our free half-day workshop. Optimise your data architecture based on your current strategy and organise your most important data assets.

We use smart algorithms and leverage the Azure Cloud to help you create an asset out of your data. Our free workshop focuses on your data architecture, and is individually tailored to your needs. Together we take a 1:1 look at integration, metadata, and governance best practices for your data architecture.

Each individual workshop includes a 30 min call prior to the half-day workshop (4h), a customised agenda, a look at your data architecture, relevant documentation and sketch for a Data Lake.

You can participate alone or with colleagues - we’ll identify who (and what) is relevant in our pre-workshop call.

Content: • Pre-workshop call (30mins) to determine background information including your major data pain points • Customised agenda • Exclusive half-day workshop (4h) including integration, metadata, and governance best practices for your data architecture in mid- to large-size companies

Outcome: • Follow-up documentation • Architecture sketch for a Data Lake