Azure Landing Zone Design


Our Azure experts design an Azure Landing Zone to enable creation of a comprehensive, well-architected, and secure foundation for your cloud-based business ecosystem.

Imagine you're about to build a new city. Before constructing buildings, roads, and parks, you need to prepare the land. You lay down the infrastructure: water pipes, electricity, roads, and zoning rules. This foundational work ensures that everything you build afterward is organized, efficient, and scalable. An Azure Landing Zone works in much the same way but for cloud environments.

Our assessment for designing and delivering the Azure Landing Zone (LZ) model is structured into five key phases:

Content of the Assessment

Kick off & Initial Planning:

  • Introduction: Introduction of the and key elements of the workshop, including core activities, optional modules, and necessary resources.
  • Objective alignment: Discussion of the key activities and expectations. Agree on the schedule and the specific outcomes desired.
  • Decision point for Landing Zone architecture & technical choices

Initial Design: Enfo

  • develops the conceptual design of the landing zone based on insights gathered in Initial Planning.
  • identifies key components, such as networking, identity management, resource organization, security baselines, and compliance requirements.
  • drafts initial diagrams and documentation reflecting the conceptual design.
  • prepares materials for review in Workshop, including diagrams, documentation, and a list of potential decision points.

Planning Workshop:

  • Presentation of the conceptual design. Walk through key architectural components, design choices, and alternatives
  • Detailed Discussion on Technical Choices. Dive deeper into critical areas such as networking, identity, security and governance.
  • Finalization of Key Decisions. Finalize decisions on the architectural and technical choices. Identify any gaps or areas needing additional research.
  • Agree on next steps for final design and optional implementation tasks.


  • Enfo develops the final landing zone design incorporating all decisions from the Final Plan Workshop
  • Enfo produces the final documentation, including detailed architecture diagrams, implementation guidelines, and governance frameworks.
  • IaC Implementation (Optional): Enfo carries out Infrastructure as Code (IaC) implementation.

Delivery & Next steps

  • A 45-minute presentation meeting with Enfo and the customer.
  • Landing Zone design documents including but not restricted to Networking and DNS, Backups for VMs and other resources, VM patching, Secret and certificate management, Logging, Cost alerting, Governance policies, DevOps agent for automated deployments, Dashboards, Azure RBAC configuration
  • Standardized order form
  • Landing Zone user’s manual
  • Follow-up actions and next steps for the organization. Clear plan for ongoing support, additional resources, and future engagements to ensure the successful implementation of the recommendations