Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics: 4-Hour Workshop

Nous Infosystems Inc.

Nous' complimentary 4-hour workshop will answer questions like 'What is Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics?’ and ‘How does Azure Synapse Analytics power business decisions?’

Get limitless analytics with Azure Synapse and give your organization an edge in today's hyper-competitive enterprise world. Microsoft's Azure Synapse combines end-to-end analytics as a single service, including data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics. The workshop will be conducted collaboratively with Nous' solution experts and your SMEs to explore the Azure Synapse Analytics architecture and identify its benefits for your organization.


  • Introduction to Nous’ Synapse capabilities and demonstration.
  • Identify and understand data landscape pain points and business goals during a discussion with the IT team
  • Plan and evaluate the next steps
  • Post-workshop Deliverables

  • High-level gap analysis of the current state
  • Report on intended objectives and goals achievable through Azure Synapse Analytics implementation and next steps