Bee Smart


Bee Smart


Energy Trading Bid

The ETRM Energy Suite is one of the leading applications in the market for Energy Trading & Risk Management platforms, used by the major utilities that daily manage their core business by means of this platform functions. The complexity of the Electric Exchange operations, the need to take rapid decisions based on reliable and timely information, the requirement to constantly check the position of the company, both in terms of financial exposure and the availability of energy, require the support of an IT platform able to provide full and effective integration with the systems of the Market Keeper (GME, EEX, etc..), with the Trading Platforms (Trayport, TFS, etc.), with the electrical network supervisors (TERNA, SNAM Rete Gas, etc.), and finally with internal and / or external company information systems, (AFC, Tolling, SAP, etc.). 


 The company is constantly engaged in updating its products, as well as to manage their evolution, in order to efficiently respond to the growing new demands posed by the globalization and the need to successfully compete on international markets. Combining the experience matured in developing the Exchange Electricity and the GAS Markets and its historical tradition in process control for large industrial plants (including refineries, hydrocarbon plants, off shore platforms, power plants, etc.), our capabilities encompass all sectors of Power, Oil & Gas and Industry. Today, the company represents a unique player in Europe able to propose a wide range of solutions specifi- cally designed to fully meet the information and process requirements of its customers. The in depth skills on operational activities of Trading and Risk Management, matured through the experience gained over years and years of strict partnerships with companies specialized in the Energy sector puts us in a unique leadership position both as a System Integrator and as a Company highly expert and affordable in Energy markets, especially for the analysis and evaluation of issues related to the risk and the management of complex projects. 

The Energy ETRM Platform Suite is designed to meet the activities of the Front, Middle and Back Office organization. Under a single fully configurable platform it allows to have readily available all the tools required to support all the daily activities including: 
▪ Deal capture, pricing and data acquisition 
▪ Portfolio management and reporting 
▪ Scheduling and bidding 
▪ Deal verification and confirmation 
▪ Risk analysis and reporting 
▪ Contract management 
▪ Settlement 
▪ Hedge accounting.