Logicalis Managed Secure OnMesh


Logicalis Managed Secure OnMesh


Secure OnMesh integrates and orchestrates security across your entire digital ecosystem using a hyperscale cloud-native platform, providing automated intelligent insights for real time actions.

Secure OnMesh integrates and orchestrates security across your entire digital ecosystem using a hyperscale cloud-native platform, to provide automated intelligent insights that can be analyzed and actioned in real-time.

Make security an intrinsic part of your digital fabric: To compete in the modern marketplace, businesses must be able to adapt to opportunities in real-time. This requires a digital operating model that provides unprecedented levels of agility and flexibility while simultaneously meeting the highest standards of customer security and data integrity. That’s why we designed our Secure OnMesh solution. It weaves real-time security telemetry and response into every element of your digital fabric, so you have the confidence to focus on what matters most to your business – driving greater agility, innovation, and growth. Secure OnMesh is built to provide a 24/7- Detect and respond SOC service.

We are bringing together 4 key elements, including leading technology solutions from our strategic vendors Microsoft and Cisco – specifically Azure Sentinel and Cisco SecureX.

Secure OnMesh is operated by our Global Services Organization leveraging Security operations centers around the globe, providing instant scale and global reach. Secure OnMesh is built leveraging Cloud technologies to provide limitless scale from Microsoft and Cisco. All security data is ingested into the service and analyzed in real time. Orchestration and automation are leveraged to investigate and respond to security threats across our customers critical use cases.

This solution utilizes the following Azure Sentinel capabilities: Defender, Azure AD, Defender Identity Management.

We help you get things right the first time, so you can realize value in a short timeframe, and then support you along the journey to ensure continuous improvement. We provide the complete journey from Align, Transform and Scale.

  • Secure OnMesh Assessment (Align) : Business Service scoping and operational cost estimate for Secure OnMesh deployment to your digital fabric business objectives.
  • Secure OnMesh Proof of Value (Transform) : Guided proof of value focusing on critical business services.
  • Managed Secure OnMesh (Scale) : Enable continuous improvement with managed and monitoring services.