Unlock Cloud Efficiency and Financial Control with Adastra's FinOps Excellence Program

Adastra Corporation

Adastra's FinOps service enhances cloud financial control and visibility through a structured, collaborative approach, offering assessments, quick wins, and tailored roadmaps to optimize usage and cos

Adastra's FinOps Service

Adastra offers a comprehensive FinOps (Financial Operations) service designed to optimize your cloud usage and financial management. This service focuses on continuous calibration of your cloud's health and usage telemetry, promoting a disciplined and collaborative approach across multiple teams, including Engineering, Operations, Application, Product, Infrastructure, Procurement, and Finance. Here’s a detailed overview of the FinOps service and its key components:

Key Objectives

  • Continuous Calibration: Ensure your cloud's health and usage telemetry is continuously monitored and optimized.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Foster collaboration between Engineering, Operations, Application, Product, Infrastructure, Procurement, and Finance teams.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Enable your organization to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data analysis.
  • Financial Control and Foresight: Empower teams to manage cloud elasticity effectively, providing greater financial oversight.
  • Cloud Migration Opportunities: Unblock cloud migration opportunities with detailed visibility and strategic insights into your cloud usage.

Adastra's Four Golden Pillars

Adastra's FinOps service is built on four pillars that ensure cost transparency, accountability, and actionable insights:

1. See

  • Discovery of Strategic Objectives & Current State: Identify your strategic goals and evaluate your current cloud environment.
  • Key Systems and Applications Identification: Discover key systems, applications, Azure services, and Azure cloud tenants.

2. Save

  • Gap Analysis and Waste Identification: Perform a comprehensive gap analysis to identify inefficiencies and waste in your current cloud usage.
  • Early Recommendations: Provide actionable recommendations to stop short-term financial losses and optimize cloud spending.

3. Plan

  • Prioritized Target State Roadmap: Develop a detailed roadmap to transition your organization to a more mature, data-driven state.
  • FinOps Charter: Establish a FinOps charter to set up a centralized or champion model tailored to your organization.
  • Stakeholder Engagement Model: Define a stakeholder engagement model to ensure effective collaboration and communication.
  • FinOps RACI: Create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI) for clear role definition and accountability.

4. Run

  • Skills Assessment: Assess current skills and plan necessary training to enable the FinOps Target Operating Model (TOM).
  • Continuous Improvement: Support ongoing improvement and operational excellence in cloud financial management.

Detailed Service Breakdown

Step 1: Introduction to FinOps

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Value: $500 CAD
  • Content:
    • Introduction to FinOps and its importance in today's cloud landscape.
    • Presentation of successful use cases to illustrate the value of FinOps.

Step 2: In-Depth FinOps Engagement

a) Maturity Assessment & Quick Win

  • Duration: 2 weeks
  • Value: 20K CAD
  • Content:
    • FinOps Maturity Questionnaire: Classify your current FinOps maturity stage (Crawl/Walk/Run).
    • Maturity Results Discussion: Review and discuss the results of the maturity assessment.
    • Optimization Opportunities: Identify optimization opportunities and propose one quick win to demonstrate immediate value.

b) Comprehensive Discovery and Roadmap Development

  • Duration: 2 months
  • Value: 80K CAD
  • Content:
    • Azure Environment Analysis: Conduct an in-depth analysis of your Azure environment.
    • Data Sources Discovery: Identify and evaluate key data sources.
    • Current State Report: Generate a detailed report on the current state of your cloud environment with early recommendations.
    • Stakeholder Engagement Model: Develop a model for effective stakeholder engagement.
    • Target State Roadmap: Create a roadmap outlining the steps to achieve the desired future state.
    • Executive Presentation: Summarize findings and recommendations in a comprehensive presentation for executive stakeholders.


Adastra’s FinOps service offers a structured and strategic approach to enhancing your cloud financial management. By focusing on strategic discovery, maturity assessment, and tailored roadmaps, Adastra helps organizations achieve significant improvements in cost optimization, financial control, and data-driven cloud usage insights. Engage with Adastra to transform your cloud operations and realize the full potential of your cloud investments.
