Healthcare Data Analytics - Synapse and FHIR Store Deployment: 12 Week Implementation

AirGate Technologies Inc.

AirGate’s Integrated Data Analytics for Healthcare Solution featuring Synapse Analytics and FHIR Store

AirGate’s Integrated Data Analytics for Healthcare solution combines Azure Health Data Services and Azure Synapse to enable Health Providers and Payers to optimize care management.

Because Healthcare organizations have data stored across different data sources and formats, they have limited visibility into operations. By leveraging industry standard FHIR storage and Microsoft Synapse analytics, AirGate enables organizations to analyze data across source systems. By analyzing data from different clinical systems, payers and providers can provide personalized care, delivering targeted treatment and lowering hospital costs.

Key benefits of AirGate’s Integrated Data Analysis for Healthcare: • Leverage data across clinical systems to provide personalized care, deliver targeted treatment, and lower hospital costs • Enabling health providers and payers to optimize care management • Improve clinical and operational insights • Protect healthcare information • Optimize care management & outcomes • Accelerate research & development innovation