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SAP on Azure: 4-Hr Assessment
During this 4h Assesment we will take, together with you, a look at your current SAP architecture, either on premise or in Microsoft Azure.
Service Deliverable & Outcome: After this Assessment we will provide you an offer about a managed SAP Basis Service in Azure focused on your individual needs.
Our goal is always to understand the customer and deliver what he needs in terms of support, expertise and financial aspects. The main focus will be on the Azure compute products. Our experienced support team may manage every bit of your architecture or will just help you if you call us.
*While operating your SAP systems our experienced and certified support staff will always take care of your needs. This will contain at least the following topics:
*During the last years we gathered experience and knowledge in many parts of Microsoft Azure professional services such as:
In the 4 hour assessment we will especially examine these Azure professional services for you in order to have the best benefit for standardized operation of the environment.