G Suite Inventory Assessment – 2 weeks


Fast-forward your G Suite migration with our sophisticated and comprehensive G suite Inventory Assessment!

Are you looking to migrate to Microsoft 365 while ensuring a seamless transition?

Our Inventory Assessment service, powered by Microsoft Azure, provides a comprehensive analysis of your existing workspace to facilitate a smooth migration.


Migrating to Microsoft 365 involves handling various components like email, groups, sites, personal drives, and shared drives within a limited timeframe. Identifying business-critical data and proceeding with the migration in batches becomes challenging without an extensive Inventory Assessment plan.

Solution: AVAMIGRATRON’s Inventory Assessment on Microsoft Azure

With our detailed Inventory Assessment, you will be able to:

Analyze Groups:

  • Get details on the number of private and public groups.
  • Assess roles and privileges, conversation counts, and data volume.
  • Determine the number of files in each group, group members, and the overall size of each group.

Analyze Sites:

  • Get the count of sites along with the number of pages in each site.
  • Obtain details about the last modified date for each site.

Analyze Shared Drive and Personal Drive:

  • Get details on the list of users, file count, and size of the files from Shared and Personal Drives respectively.
  • These insights will help you create batches and prioritize the migration in the first sprint.

How We Leverage Microsoft Azure:

Our service utilizes Microsoft Azure’s robust cloud platform to perform detailed assessments and generate comprehensive reports. By leveraging Azure’s advanced analytics and scalable infrastructure, we ensure accurate and efficient data processing, helping you make informed decisions for your migration strategy.

Process: Discover -> Assess -> Recommend

Step 1: Discover

  • Utilize Microsoft Azure to take a deeper look into your workspace and discover the data within it.
  • Collaborate with your executive team to understand your business requirements and organizational needs.

Step 2: Assess

  • Assess your workspace using Azure’s powerful tools to analyze the data and list down the scope of migration.
  • Highlight the roles and privileges of the users/accounts in your existing workspace.

Step 3: Recommend

  • Based on the Azure-generated report, recommend a precise migration plan along with best practices tailored to your business needs.

Benefits of Using Microsoft Azure:

  • Scalability: Easily handle large volumes of data with Azure’s scalable cloud infrastructure.
  • Security: Ensure your data is protected with Azure’s robust security features.
  • Efficiency: Speed up the assessment process with Azure’s advanced analytics capabilities.

What You Get:

  • A detailed inventory of groups, sites, and drives.
  • In-depth details about private and public groups, group privileges, number of files, and conversation counts.
  • Information on the number of sites and the pages in each site.
  • Total count of users, file count, and the size of each file from shared and personal drives.
  • Identification of inactive or departed users.
  • A customized migration plan tailored to your business needs.
  • Cost analysis and a tentative timeline for deployment.

Why Choose AVAMIGRATRON on Microsoft Azure?

  • The only enterprise-ready migration platform with a detailed Inventory Assessment powered by Microsoft Azure.
  • Flexible inventory approach tailored to business needs.
  • Time-efficient process with automated report generation using Azure’s capabilities.
  • Cost-effective Inventory Assessment process.
  • Round-the-clock support to ensure a smooth transition.

Harness the power of Microsoft Azure and granular-level details of your workspace with our Inventory Assessment. Start your migration journey today and get your migration strategy off the ground.

Note: The cost and time duration are estimations and may vary depending on your business needs, the size of data, and the complexity of the workspace.
