Migrate Oracle On Prem to Fabric


Transition from Oracle on-prem to Microsoft Fabric for integrated data solutions. Orchestrate Azure Data Factory, Synapse Analytics, and Azure services for scalable analytics and AI insights.

Microsoft Fabric Implementation Service for Oracle Migration

Our Microsoft Fabric implementation service empowers organizations to upgrade their legacy Oracle databases to a seamless, cloud-native data management and analytics platform. Microsoft Fabric provides an all-encompassing environment, amalgamating Azure's best offerings into a cohesive unit that streamlines data operations and enhances business intelligence. Through this migration, businesses can unlock the potential for rapid innovation, leveraging real-time analytics, machine learning, and AI capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Unified Data Ecosystem: Centralizes data management tasks, merging ingestion, storage, and analysis within a single platform.
  • Automated Data Workflows: Leverages data pipelines for streamlined and efficient data orchestration.
  • Interactive Visualizations: Utilizes Power BI for bespoke, real-time reporting and dashboarding across the organization.
  • Customized Migration Strategy: Personalized migration planning and implementation designed to fit industry-specific data needs.
  • Advanced Analytics: Utilize notebooks for big data processing and analytics, paired with machine learning models.


  • Migrated Data Platform: A fully operational Microsoft Fabric environment with migrated Oracle data.
  • Data Workflow Automation: Configured data pipelines for automated data ingestion and processing.
  • Interactive Dashboards: Real-time reporting and dashboards created with Power BI.
  • Migration Strategy Documentation: Detailed plan and documentation of the migration process.
  • Analytics and Machine Learning Models: Implemented notebooks for big data analytics and machine learning models.

Next Steps:

  • Connect with our experts to learn more about migrating your on-prem Oracle system.
  • Schedule a consultation to discuss your migration strategy and implementation plans.

Discover how our Microsoft Fabric implementation service can transform your data management and analytics capabilities. Connect with our experts to learn more about migrating your on-prem Oracle system and take the next step in your digital transformation journey.
