GitHub Copilot Assessment with Cloud Intel - 4 Weeks


Get TCO/ROI insights, strategy, and roadmap with Cloud Intel’s GitHub Copilot Assessment ensuring the seamless integration of GitHub Copilot within your organization.

GitHub Copilot is widely embraced as an AI-powered developer tool. Whether you're troubleshooting a bug or crafting a new feature, GitHub Copilot can assist you in writing code more efficiently and intelligently. It suggests code completions, snippets, and entire functions based on your context and comments.

However, integrating the power of AI into your software development process can be a complex undertaking. At Click2Cloud, we offer assistance in seamlessly integrating GitHub Copilot into your existing system. Our AI-based assessment platform, Cloud Intel, provides valuable insights to support informed decision-making. Cloud Intel facilitates the GitHub Copilot Assessment, helping you understand how Copilot works and what considerations to keep in mind when using it.

The assessment focuses on enablement and awareness, guiding customers through GitHub Copilot features, and offering a comprehensive understanding of how it can enhance software development operations. Cloud Intel evaluates your current environment, identifies pain points and issues within existing systems, and helps align your operations with Copilot’s capabilities. It also provides insights into licensing, security, and configuration while ensuring data security.

Cloud Intel plays a crucial role in unlocking the untapped potential of Microsoft Azure services, including Azure AI and Open AI, to leverage the latest innovative AI offerings. This allows you to explore the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence powering the Copilot solutions recently introduced by Microsoft. These solutions automate administrative tasks, fostering efficiency and helping you thrive in the modern work era.

As part of the Business Value Assessment (BVA), Cloud Intel delivers comprehensive reports on benefits and financial analysis. This includes estimated costs for configuration and setup, training, and data conversion to ensure AI innovation delivers the full potential ROI.

Key Deliverables

• Summary of the Current Environment

• Gap and Solution Analysis

• Readiness Assessment

• Licensing Analysis

• Business Value Analysis

• Benefit and Security Analysis

• Financial Overview

• Roadmap and Timeline

• Next Steps Recommendations

Kickstart your GitHub Copilot journey with Cloud Intel today to elevate developer productivity and drive innovation in your software development processes.