DevSecOps Vulnerability Assessment: 2-Wk Assessment


An Application and DevOps specific security assessment to understand and expose vulnerabilities in your application stack.

The CloudServus DevSecOps Vulnerability Assessment is a systematic evaluation of an organization's IT environment from the lens of security, specifically identifying, analyzing, and understanding vulnerabilities present within software applications, infrastructure, or any other components that are part of the DevOps pipeline. This assessment integrates security within the DevOps processes, thereby promoting a "Shift Left" approach which brings security considerations to the early stages of software development. The outcome of this assessment will provide the business with a detailed roadmap to remediate any discovered vulnerabilities or credential leakage within their Azure DevOps environment and promote a more secure code development platform.

Key Components: -Software Composition Analysis (SCA): Identifying vulnerabilities in open-source and third-party components that the software relies on. -Static Application Security Testing (SAST): Analyzing the application's source code for vulnerabilities without executing it. -Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Identifying vulnerabilities by testing the application in a runtime environment. -Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Assessments: Checking infrastructure code and scripts for misconfigurations and potential security flaws. -Runtime Application Security: Observing the behavior of applications in real-time to detect and block potential threats. -Container Security Assessments: Focusing on containerized applications and the corresponding orchestration for any security issues.

Why Customers Would Want to Conduct a CloudServus DevSecOps Vulnerability Assessment: -Early Detection of Vulnerabilities: By integrating security checks into the DevOps pipeline, vulnerabilities can be detected earlier in the development process, which is often cheaper and more efficient than fixing them later. -Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Many industries have regulations requiring certain security standards. A vulnerability assessment ensures that software complies with these standards. -Reduce Risk of Breaches: Identifying and addressing vulnerabilities reduces the chances of a security breach, which can lead to financial losses, reputational damage, and legal consequences. -Improved Security Posture: It provides a clear overview of the security health of an organization's software assets, allowing for better risk management and decision-making. -Competitive Advantage: Companies that can demonstrate robust security practices can have a competitive edge, particularly in sectors where customers' data security is paramount. -Continuous Monitoring: In a fast-paced DevOps environment, new code is pushed frequently. Continuous vulnerability assessment ensures that every change is scanned, and no new vulnerabilities are introduced. -Strengthening Customer Trust: Demonstrating a proactive approach to security can build and maintain trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders -Cost Efficiency: Addressing security issues during the development phase is usually less costly than addressing them after deployment. It can also avoid the significant costs associated with data breaches.

A CloudServus DevSecOps Vulnerability Assessment is crucial for modern organizations aiming to release software rapidly without compromising on security. It integrates security and development processes seamlessly, ensuring that vulnerabilities are caught early, and security remains a top priority throughout the software lifecycle.


  • Security Posture Review Detailing:
    • Code Vulnerabilities
    • Code Scanning
    • Exposed Secrets
  • Executive Summary Outlining
    • High Priority Issues requiring your team's attention
    • Actionable Next Steps with associated:
      • Issue Description
      • End User Impact
      • Level of Effort (policy change, internal attention, consultation etc.)


  • Week 1: 1 Hour Project Kickoff and Alignment Call
    • Assessment Tool Enablement
    • Discuss Goals of Engagement
    • Review your areas of concern
  • Week 1-2: CloudServus Consultant investigation (no time commitment from customer required)
  • Week 2: Project Delivery
    • Security Posture Review Walk-Through
    • Executive Summary Discussion
    • Remediation Planning