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Application Migration Planning: 6 week assessment
Application Migration Planning for Cloud is an objective, data driven analysis that prepares a client for a successful Azure migration.
Migrating to the Microsoft Azure and realising all its benefits requires a comprehensive understanding of the applications you want to migrate.
The Application Migration Planning service is an objective, data driven analysis that prepares a client for a successful Azure migration.
We streamline the assessment process and provide objective, data-driven analysis to identify endpoint suitability and application migration patterns.
The service ensures clients know which applications are most appropriate for Azure; understand what applications should be moved to Azure first; select the appropriate migration pattern for each application; and develop the most practical roadmap for a successful Azure migration.
At the end of an engagement, the client will realise the following outcomes and deliverables:
This service helps clients determine the migration strategy for each of their targeted applications. By approaching migration in a structured, consistent way, clients can increase the likelihood of successful migrations to Microsoft Azure while also putting a foundation in place that allows for ongoing adoption and consumption of Microsoft Azure cloud services.