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Navigate Cloud Journey: 3-Week Maturity Assessment
Make a short stop on your cloud adoption journey. Orient yourself. Re-evaluate where you are going. Adjust your roadmap when needed.
Cloud computing has become the new normal, impacting organizations significantly. This impact ranges over both technical and non-technical domains. Whether you are a newbie or an early adopter in Azure, a cloud adoption journey is, and remains, challenging. On such a journey it is valuable to make a short stop, orient yourself, re-evaluate where you are going and adjust your roadmap if needed. This is where Devoteam comes in with our 3-week cloud maturity assessment.
Devoteam uses Azure cloud adoption framework and well-architected framework to assess your cloud maturity.
The far-reaching impact of cloud adoption is daunting and can be paralyzing. Based on your desired business outcome, a limited number of domains will be in scope of the maturity assessment. This limited scope strikes the right balance between depth of justification & time to business impact.
By choosing to work with Devoteam, both your technological as non-technological challenges will be addressed.