Automated Technology Modernization -1 day Briefing

HCL Technologies Limited.

1 Day Briefing on HCL's Automated Technology Modernization Accelerators (ATMA) and migration and support capabilities to Azure Cloud, boosting application development and productivity etc.

1 Day Briefing on HCL's Automated Technology Modernization Accelerators (ATMA) for customers keen on boosting application development productivity and shortening development cycles by leveraging automation. Modernization of  legacy applications portfolio to a modern technology architecture on .NET, .NET core and Java

ATMA is for customers looking for Scalable architecture, less development time and time to market, Cloud enabled, Integration with Azure based platform, Agile development methodologies, Automation in code conversion and no loss of functionality.

Key ATMA Solution Features include:

  1. Automated Conversion

    • Automated code conversion to .NET, .NET Core and Java from legacy technology stack
    • 70-80% code ready.
  2. Modern Architecture

    • Helps in conversion of thick client application to a modern web client application
    • Conversion of monolithic or client server architecture to multi-tier application
  3. Automated Quality Management

    • Automated unit test creation
    • Automated fixing of code quality issues
    • Automated regression test suite creation
  4. Multiple Legacy Language Support -Supports a large number of legacy languages like COBOL, Oracle Forms, Access Forms, DELPHI, Natural etc.

  5. Customizable Solution

    • The tool is customizable to different IT environments needs and requirements for source and target

Key Benefits Offered of ATMA are:

  1. Multi-tier architecture on modern Azure platform, scalable, extendible and high performing

  2. Technology de-risk, well supported platforms, automated delivery

  3. Reduced time and effort for modernizing applications compared to re-build

  4. No functionality loss - domain model & business logic remaining same

  5. Improved user experience – no retraining of business users needed

  6. Reside on a Azure cloud enabled environment