Azure Spring Cloud: 6-Week Implementation


In this 6-week fast start, Insight technical experts will assist the client on their journey to modernize two Java applications by migrating them Azure Spring Cloud.

To help you get your Java application migration underway, Insight will partner with your team to deploy a subset of the Java application portfolio to Azure Spring Cloud. Using our library of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) modules, source code scaffolding tools, reference architectures and cloud deployment best practices developed over time, Insight will accelerate your cloud migration efforts. As a result of this Fast Start, your organization will have up to two Java applications fully running in a development instance of Azure Spring Cloud as well as IaC to replicate the instance and an Azure DevOps project with a functional pipeline to deploy these applications.

CLIENT PREP before project begins (recommend Java App Assessment)

  • Identify two Java Application to be migrated to the cloud.
  • Identify related dependencies such as database connections, security etc.
  • Prepare access to development environments, source code, and CI/CD pipelines, if available


  • Introductions and process overview
  • Initiation call with project sponsor and participants
  • Create the application Architecture for the two Java Applications


  • Review current state of the application source code and process to deploy/run the application
  • Convert application to Spring Boot using Insight's Archetypes
  • Create the Azure Spring Cloud infrastructure with Insight’s Terraform scripts
  • Deploy applications to Azure Spring Cloud with a gateway and config server


  • Review the migration results and Azure Spring Cloud Components


  • Achieve a foundation for modern microservice-based applications with the benefits of a Kubernetes cluster without the complexity.
  • Develop a modern approach for future Spring Cloud application development.
  • Gain an understanding of the major components of the Spring Cloud stack.
  • Receive a playbook for migrating Java applications of similar size and architecture.