AI Strategy – 8 week Assessment

Altron Digital Business

An in-depth engagement conducted over an 8-week period, that allows an organisation to formulate a comprehensive strategic approach to Artificial Intelligence

For many organisations with few or limited IT resources, the world of Artificial Intelligence can be uncertain and overwhelming. Where to start? What AI Technologies and Techniques should be considered – and which should not? What is the difference between Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning – and which do I apply to a specific business problem? Do I need an AI Governance Framework – and what does that include? These are all questions organisations are grappling with today, as the overwhelming deluge of new AI technologies and solutions consumes the IT marketplace. Altron’s AI Strategy offering will allow you to clearly position the role of Microsoft’s Copilot family of technologies, Microsoft’s Azure AI Services and additional AI solutions in your AI Roadmap for the future, as well as positioning the role of Azure, multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud infrastructure patterns as part of your AI Infrastructure platform(s). We have the knowledge, expertise and experience to assist you in sifting through the hype – and crafting a strategic journey that leverages AI technologies and techniques to solve some of your real-world business problems. This offer is specifically Industry-agnostic – as the world of Artificial Intelligence is relevant to every industry – and almost every business area within a business – whether that be Customer-facing activities, support functions (such as Finance, Human Resources, Procurement, IT and Legal), or the core business operations of the organisation. Target audiences for this offer include the CxO’s, Heads of IT, IT Strategists and Enterprise Architects of small- and medium-size companies. By the end of this engagement, we will have formulated (together with you) a strategic document that directs the behaviours and choices of teams in your organisation that are leveraging AI technologies and techniques to deliver solutions to business problems. You will avoid teams going off in different directions in their use of AI, and avoid costly mistakes and poor investment choices w.r.t. AI technologies. Almost more importantly, you will understand the risks the organisation could face w.r.t. using AI technologies – and have a framework that assists in managing these risks.