DevOps Maturity Assessment


We will assess your current DevOps capability from code governance to release methodology and recommend the next steps to continue pushing forward in your DevOps journey.

A comprehensive assessment and action plan designed to kickstart or elevate your use of Microsoft Azure. Whether you're starting your Azure DevOps adventure or seeking to enhance your existing practices, our tailored approach will guide you toward increased efficiency, collaboration, and continuous delivery of applications on Azure.

DevOps maturity refers to the effectiveness and efficiency of your DevOps practices and processes, including the extent to which development and operations teams collaborate, automate processes, and continuously deliver and monitor applications on Azure. It ranges from ad hoc and siloed practices to a highly sophisticated and integrated approach. The assessment of DevOps maturity can help your organisation identify areas for improvement and drive the evolution of its DevOps capabilities.

Parallo will assess your current DevOps capability from code governance to release methodology and recommend the next steps to continue pushing forward in your DevOps journey.

The output may include a range of areas:

  • Process Map: a map of current processes for software development and delivery and their efficiency, effectiveness, and alignment with DevOps principles.
  • Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): KPIs to monitor that can provide valuable insights into the performance and impact of your DevOps practices, such as lead time, mean time to recovery, change failure rate, and deployment frequency.
  • Benchmarking: a comparison of your organisation's DevOps practices and processes against industry standards and best practices, including gaps identified and areas for improvement.
  • Adoption of Infrastructure as Code (IaC): commentary on the implementation of IaC tools, that will improve the management and provisioning of infrastructure in a repeatable, consistent, and version-controlled manner.
  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) implementation: opportunities to automate the deployment and management of Azure infrastructure and the deployment of applications.
  • Version control: ways to improve the use of version control systems such as Git to track, approve and collaborate on infrastructure changes.
  • Scalability and reliability: areas where IaC practices can be applied to manage and provision scalable and highly available infrastructure, such as load balancers, auto-scaling groups, and disaster recovery solutions.

After the assessment, a follow-up Statement of Work can be requested and scheduled, such as:

  • DevOps Workshop: Parallo to run a training and exercise workshop with your team to learn about best practices for continuous delivery and deployment on Azure.
  • DevOps Implementation: design, implement and establish software and IaC deployment pipelines with integrated automated testing.

Allow us to empower you with the tools and practices to embrace continuous innovation, ensuring success as you run and deploy apps on Microsoft Azure.