Business Resilience Workshop

Sentinel Technologies Inc.

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed many organizations to significantly expand their work-from-home capabilities. In the rush to support mass amounts of remote workers, some have substituted the absence.

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed many organizations to expand their work-from-home capabilities significantly. In the rush to support mass amounts of remote workers, some have substituted the absence of a strategic plan with a number of reasonable decisions that may have unknowingly compromised their ability to function fully and securely in less-than-optimal conditions in Azure. Staff and External Communication – Experts will perform a comprehensive analysis on the workforce's effect to understand the Azure environment's communication processes. • Staff and External Communication – Experts will perform a comprehensive analysis on the effect of the workforce to understand communication processes • Business Management – Are we missing imperative continuity plans? • Department Management – Has the organization analyzed the impact on each department if a disruption happens? • Connect from anywhere – Are plans available so employees can remotely connect from anywhere? • Report – Sentinel will provide recommendations that align with the strategic goals and business objectives of your organization