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IBM Consulting Connect360 SaaS: 30-day Solution Enablement
To provide consulting and managed services coupled with proven SaaS based technology enablers to transform health and social services delivery in communities at scale.
Many communities across the country benefit from a wealth of high-quality programs and services for helping residents in need. That said, these communities continue to struggle with needs unmet and fail to achieve life changing outcomes for individuals and their families. Historically, programs and services are delivered in silos. Their data and systems associated with referring and provisioning these services are likewise siloed. As a result, residents cannot be assessed and cared for holistically. For nearly a decade, our focus has been helping communities transform their services delivery approach from a one hindered by program silos, to a person-centered model that focuses on the health and wellness of the whole individual. Experience has shown us that effective programs deploy a business transformation approach coupled with supporting technology to effectively achieve these objectives. At the core of business transformation is a governance structure and “Safety Net” collaborative that works as a multi-disciplinary team to place the individual in need at the center of services delivery. Our supporting technology has included a proven platform for whole-person care, IBM Health and Human Services Connect360 (IBM Connect360). This Software as a Service (SaaS) based solution offered in the Azure cloud provides the enablers to effectively refer social and healthcare services, collaborate and make better informed decisions that improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities across the country. In as few as 30 days, and based on custom requirements, IBM can work in collaboration with Microsoft to provision IBM Connect360 for a client and deploy a technology solution that enables a Safety Net Collaborative of State and Local Governments, Community Based Organizations, Managed Care Organizations and Service Providers to transform their services delivery model and achieve life changing outcomes across their communities.