Azure Smart Data Capture: 2-Week Proof of Concept

Version 1

A fast-track proof of concept for Version 1's Smart Data capturing solution that drastically reduces paper-form processing effort.

Powered by Azure, Version 1's Azure Smart Data Capture solution drastically reduces paper-form processing time, combining Open-Source Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology with Microsoft's Form Recogniser service.

Handwritten and typed documents can be scanned, processed, and reviewed by users with ease within the solution's intuitive user interface - presenting the extracted text along with the snippets from the actual form. Custom rules can be enforced to speed up the validation process.

This proof of concept will use three form templates, compiled around your requirements. These forms will be populated with handwriting and mock data, and the finished examples will be used to train the Smart Data Capture model. A demonstration and summary of benefits – such as quantifying how Smart Data Capture can significantly reduce the time spent on processing forms manually will follow.

Days 1-2: Set up:

*Setting up the required resources on Azure

Days 3-8: Form Classification and training:

*Identifying the method required to process the forms. Training the Form Recogniser model with the required form and setting up the required configuration settings as per the given form type.

Days 9-10: Run and Evaluate:

*Running the system with the various forms and evaluating the results the model has produced.

Smart Data Capture’s benefits include a drastic reduction in data entry time, reduction in errors, and an increase in consistency.