Atea CloudTrack - Introduction - 1 h

Atea Finland Oy

Atea CloudTrack is your public cloud assistance and will help you moving to cloud and living in cloud.

Cloud Journey assistance providing you guidance, competence and solutions on how to move forward and take advantage of the possibilities Microsoft Azure platform and services provides.

Cloud Journeys helping customers in advisor, technical deployments and managed services scope:


The exercises in this journey, we will help you document your Microsoft Azure cloud strategy efficiently, through a series of focused workshops and steps and map your cloud adoption strategy to specific cloud capabilities and business strategies that will guide you towards the desired state of your digital business transformation journey


With our complete cloud governance journey - we will help you align your business, people and Azure technology strategy and help you achieve the business goals - with actionable, efficient and comprehensive guidance and deliver fast cloud results with control and stability


A successful cloud adoption strategy will depend on several different phases: Define, Plan, Ready, Migrate, Innovate, Govern and Manage where the Cloud Migration Journey provides the tools and methods to execute the platform transitions to Azure, in harmony with all the other Journeys provided


Delivering on a cloud strategy requires solid planning, readiness, and adoption commitments. But it's the ongoing operation of the digital assets that will ensure the tangible business outcomes of the cloud. Without reliable and well-managed operations for your cloud solutions, the efforts might yield little value and could even introduce new problems


With our help you will get a objective Azure Security review of your cloud platform and deployed services, where you will end up with a customer-specific analysis including our recommendations. Together we ensure that relevant areas are highlighted and analyzed based on industry security standards and best practices


Your IT platform is running in the cloud and your consumption is spiraling out of control - We can help you ensure, that your cloud resources are utilized as efficiently as possible and assist in keeping the costs down. Our Cost Optimization journey will give you oversight and help you with continually evaluating your cloud - so you only pay for what you need


All IT portfolios contain some workloads and ideas that could significantly improve the company's position in the market - by being modernized. Examples of this could be re-architecting your applications for Azure cloud native scalability and mobility, and utilize innovative Azure services and connect relevant devices to create new experiences and use cases with your data


By putting the user at the center - with the right tools and experiences - increased collaboration, engagement and higher productivity is enabled. Our Cloud Workplace journey and concepts will provide your business the possibility to offer a modern digital workplace, where end users can work through the same experiences - from anywhere they wish to connect

Book this 1 hour free Atea CloudTrack introduction and hear how we can help you on your cloud journey!