Data Platform with Microsoft Fabric 4-Hour Workshop

Computer Enterprises Inc

This interactive, 4-hour virtual workshop dives deep into Microsoft Fabric, designed to simplify your data platform, leverage artificial intelligence, and unlock previously unknown insights.

Unleash the Power of Unified Analytics

This interactive, 4-hour virtual workshop dives deep into Microsoft Fabric, designed to simplify your data platform, leverage artificial intelligence, and unlock previously unknown insights. By the end of this workshop, you will have at least one impactful use case for your organization ready to be deployed as a pilot.

Who Should Attend:

Data platform architects and engineers

Business analysts and decision-makers

Anyone looking to leverage data for better decision making

Workshop Agenda:

Intros & Agenda (20 min): Get acquainted with your fellow attendees, workshop facilitators, and CEI’s team of subject matter experts.

Fabric 101: Fabric Basics, Industry Examples, Q&A (60 min): Gain a comprehensive understanding of Microsoft Fabric's core functionalities, explore examples of industry use cases, and discover the features and benefits Fabric provides, including:

Data Integration: Data Factory, DataflowGen2, Eventstream processing

Data Warehousing: Data warehouse vs. Lakehouse experience

Data Engineering: Delta basics, Batch vs. Stream processing

Power BI: Import & Direct Query vs. Direct Lake

OneLake: The “OneDrive for Data”

Fabric Demo (30 min): See Fabric in action with a live demonstration showcasing its capabilities in a real-world scenario.

Use Case Brainstorm & Selection (90 min): Brainstorm potential use cases where Fabric can address your organization's specific needs. Collaboratively select the most impactful use cases for further exploration.

Use Case Scoring & Next Steps (45 min): Apply a scoring framework to identify the most relevant Fabric use case for your organization. Develop a concrete plan for a pilot engagement to bring this use case into production.

Wrap-up (15 min): Review key takeaways, ask any lingering questions, and get aligned on next steps.

Workshop Outcomes:

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

Articulate the key features and benefits of Microsoft Fabric for your organization.

Identify specific use cases and opportunities where Fabric can streamline data management and unlock valuable insights.

Develop a plan for a pilot project to implement a high-impact Fabric use case within your organization.