Azure Data Factory Quick Start


4-week consulting service offer to help customers get started on Azure Data Factory (ADF) on Microsoft Fabric:

Introducing the "Azure Data Factory Quick Start Program for Enterprises" from DataFactZ, your trusted partner in data and analytics consulting. Our Azure Data Factory Quick start program provides a structured approach to help customers quickly and effectively get started with Azure Data Factory on Microsoft Fabric, enabling them to streamline their data integration processes and achieve their data analytics goals.

Over four weeks, our program accelerates your journey with Azure Data Factory on Microsoft Fabric:

Week 1: Discovery and Assessment: Dive deep into your data environment to understand your needs and goals.

Week 2: Solution Design: Collaborate to design a tailored ADF architecture that fits your enterprise requirements.

Week 3: ADF Implementation: Swiftly implement the solution with our expert team, setting up pipelines and triggers.

Week 4: Testing, Deployment, and Training: Ensure the solution is optimized, tested, and ready for deployment, with comprehensive training for your team.


  1. Data Environment Assessment Report outlining key findings and recommendations
  2. ADF Solution Proposal.
  3. Implemented ADF solution with documentation.
  4. Deployed and tested ADF solution, deployment plan, and training documentation.