Azure common resources architecture: 1-Day Imp.


Resource groups architecture for managing common resources that can be reused in different projects, with benefits in costs management and security

A pattern for the architecture of Azure resource groups, test and applied in several enterprises, useful for:

  • using a common naming convention for all Azure projects
  • sharing of common resource between projects
  • centralizing the management of some types of resources
  • centralizing security management
  • keeping costs under control This approach is the starting point of your Azure architecture and can be the way of consolidating your already available resources. The outcome of this implementation are:
  • the configuration of Azure resource groups for managing Azure resources used on different projects
  • advisory of the type of resources that can be used in a common way
  • a cheatsheet with the implemented architecture, a proposal of naming conventions and a proposal for the provisioning process of Azure resources via ARM templates Migrations are not part of the implementation cost.