Azure Cloud Solution Assessment

True BV

Extensive analyse of your current landscape. Design & roadmap for landing your app on Azure.

Our four-step approach:

Step 1: Intake & Scoping: During a discovery meeting we learn about both your current and desired situation. Based on this, we design a hosting roadmap and (Azure cloud) strategy. During this exercise you gain the advantage of our extensive knowledge and on our experience with similar migrations.

Step 2: Assessment – Application landscape: The discovery phase is followed by the solution assessment. This consists of documenting the landscape and walking you through it in a series of short workshops/meetings. The first session focuses on you organization and business, the next session takes a look at infrastructure, management and development. In these sessions we pay attention to the processes, users and usage of applications.

Step 3: Report & Design (desired) application architecture: Based on the input obtained from the workshops in Step 2, a (high/low) level design of the desired target architecture on Azure is created. All feedback from the previous sessions/workshops is summarized in a Solution Assessment Report, including a clear executive summary.

Step 4: Planning & Roadmap: After discussing and fine tuning the desired targetted Azure architecture, the True project team draws up a clear roadmap to migrate to Azure or modernize your Azure applications with milestones to be achieved. This will be the starting point for the joint initial (90 days) planning.

This assessment results in:

  • Solutions Azure Assessment report
  • Azure Architectural High Level Design (HLD) or Low Level Design (LLD)
  • 90-day Azure migrationplan