Avanade Enablement for Microsoft Real Time Intelligence

Avanade, Inc.

Many organizations face barriers to analyzing data and act on insights quickly. Avanade can help you harness Microsoft Real Time Intelligence to speed decisions as the pace of business accelerates.

Despite all the rapid advancements in data transformation in recent years -- our clients tell us that it’s more difficult than ever to realize value from their data estates. They tell us their key data challenges include:

• Drowning in data. More sources than ever to analyze and pour over for insights that advance the business in a time frame that allows the business to be competitive.

• Spiraling complexity as data stores grow by the petabyte, complicated by fragile and expensive data integrations, struggling to manage data estates and extract from it in real time.

• Accelerating pace of business. Despite the increases in highly-granular data, it’s challenging to see and act on insights quickly when those interventions are needed most.

• Bottlenecks in the data supply chain can slow decision-making. At many of our clients, most data analysis requires highly-trained data practitioners to deliver insights, and developers to action operational impact in real time.

Enter Microsoft Real Time Analytics, a new approach to accelerating and strengthening data-driven decision-making. With Real-Time Analytics, you can better track, respond, and act on streaming data from Microsoft Fabric. Streaming data can give your decision-makers the immediacy they need to act at just the right time. You can simplify the event-driven analytics experience, visualize and intervene in real time.

Avanade has developed a range of engagement opportunities to help you adopt RTI. If you’re just learning about real-time capabilities or are scaling Microsoft Fabric to use cases across their businesses –Avanade can meet you where you are on your data journey. Whether you need a workshop to assess your current state and define your data strategy, training, or a full optimization to leverage the full potential of Microsoft Fabric and RTI, Avanade can help you.

*Pricing will vary based on the scope of the engagement.
