Cyderes Architecture Engineering Services for Sentinel


Offering a range of Sentinel engineering services to support your Microsoft Sentinel journey.

Cyderes has identified a growing need for Microsoft Sentinel SIEM and SOAR experience and has developed Microsoft Sentinel advisory services to help our clients architect and execute appropriate Sentinel implementations for their environments. Our goal is to identify the specific needs of the individual client and build a customized roadmap that walks them through their Microsoft Sentinel journey, regardless of the potential large, complex environment it may lie in. The anticipated timeframe for this engagement is at least two weeks. Key features and deliverables include: • Sentinel architecture and engineering services • Sentinel data source and connector review services • Sentinel report and workbook implementation services • Sentinel analytics rule implementation services • Sentinel playbook and connector implementation services • Periodic architecture and solution health reviews Cyderes' Microsoft Sentinel services seamlessly integrate with other Microsoft security solutions to provide a holistic security approach for organizations. Cyderes has partnered with Microsoft to deliver the perfect balance of technical solutions and services to protect your complex security environments effectively.