Cloud-scale Analytics as Code: 2-Wk Implementation

MobiLab Solutions GmbH

Deploy the Cloud-scale Analytics Scenario with ease and consistency using our intelligent IaC templates.

At MobiLab, we follow the principle of automating everything we do. We have codified our experience deploying Cloud-scale Analytics compliant data platforms into a set of high-level intelligent Infrastructure as Code templates. Deploy data landing zones and data products in various common configurations at scale in a consistent manner to accelerate your organisation’s journey to building a data platform while benefiting from year of experience.

How it Works:

  1. Intelligent Infrastructure as Code: We use the Cloud Development Kit for Terraform to imbue our Infrastructure as Code templates with intelligence not otherwise present in standard Terraform. The templates adapt to the environment in which their are deployed and integrate with each other with ease.

  2. Codified Cloud-scale Analytics Experience: We have codified years of experience in these templates to reduce the time required to implement data platforms from months to just a few weeks. Pick from predefined, production grade architectures suitable for developing data products in advanced analytics, data warehousing or data science, and customise them to your needs with just a few settings.

  3. Built-in Deployment Automation: Our solution comes with prebuilt deployment pipeline templates for Azure DevOps and GitHub allowing your data platform team to provide automated deployments for any number of data product teams.

  4. Secure by Default: The templates are suitable for deployment into the most security demanding environments, for example with full network isolation and implement the most recommended security posture controls.

  5. Governance Enabled: The templates include common data management functions such as lineage collection, access controls fitting a wide range of organisational layouts, and data product sharing built in.

  6. Monitoring Enabled: All architecture templates can easily be configured, even after deployment to integrate with the Azure monitoring infrastructure which enables observability of workloads and alerting on critical events.

  7. Visualised: Each deployment automatically creates up to date architecture diagrams which help visualise the deployment for maximum explainability and helps keep documentation up to date.

Don’t spend months on end discussing which specific flavour your data platform should have. Take advantage of our experience building data platforms in many environments by picking the right templates and accelerate your organisation’s time to value.

As a Microsoft partner certified in several areas, we are eligible for nearly all supporting programs from Microsoft to accelerate your project and data journey.