Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Implementation

RAKE Digital Company, LLC

Enable secure remote work, cost-efficiency, simplified management, and scalability with Azure Virtual Desktop.


In today's fast-paced business world, enabling remote, and hybrid work scenarios has become paramount. Traditional virtual machines often fall short in providing the agility and accessibility that modern businesses demand. These legacy solutions tie employees to specific physical locations, limiting their ability to work efficiently, collaborate seamlessly, and adapt to rapidly changing work environments. These challenges can lead to reduced productivity, increased operational costs, and security concerns, ultimately impeding a company's growth and competitiveness. Organizations today require a solution which is adaptable to the demands of the modern, and evolving workplace. Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) empowers organizations with the ability to work from anywhere, along with unparalleled flexibility and scalability. As your trusted IT advisor, RAKE Digital can help your organization to fully embrace these benefits with our “Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Implementation” offering.

About Our Solution.

RAKE Digital’s Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Implementation simplifies the transition of your workforce to the cloud. Our automated deployment process ensures a quick and hassle-free setup, all managed by our team of Azure experts. Our implementation will help you to keep your business on track and your data secure while your team enjoys the freedom to work wherever they are most productive. We will work to close all attack vectors by following all Microsoft Security Best Practices, along with RAKE Digital’s “Zero Blindspot Security Framework”.

What are the benefits of Azure Virtual Desktop?

  • Flexibility and Accessibility: Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) allows users to access their desktops and applications from anywhere, using any device with an internet connection.
  • Cost Efficiency: With Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), organizations only pay for the virtual machines and resources they use, eliminating the need for extensive hardware investments and reducing operational expenses.
  • Enhanced Security: Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) leverages the security features of Azure, providing robust protection for data and applications.
  • Streamlined Management: IT administrators can efficiently manage and deploy virtual desktops and applications through a centralized Azure portal.
  • Scalability and Performance: Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is designed to scale resources dynamically based on demand.

What will we deliver?

  • Assessment and Planning: Conduct a thorough assessment of the organization's current IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, and networking. Create a detailed project plan that outlines the scope, objectives, timeline, and resource requirements.
  • Azure Resource Configuration: Configure the necessary Azure resources, such as virtual networks, storage accounts, and security groups, to support Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) deployment.
  • Image Creation and Configuration: We will create a customized virtual machine (VM) image that includes the desired operating system, applications, and configurations.
  • Deployment and Configuration: Deploy and configure the Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) environment in Azure, including host pools, application groups, and session hosts. Set up user profiles, permissions, and access policies to define who can use Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) and what resources they can access. Integrate Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) with existing authentication methods, such as Microsoft Entra ID, or on-premises Active Directory Domain Services, to ensure secure user access.
  • Testing, Optimization, and Training: Conduct thorough testing to ensure that Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) functions as expected and meets performance standards. Optimize the deployment for scalability, performance, and cost-efficiency, and we will make adjustments as necessary. Provide training and documentation to IT staff and end-users to ensure they understand how to use Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) effectively and troubleshoot common issues.

Why RAKE Digital?

At RAKE Digital, we understand the unique challenges faced by businesses in today’s fast-paced technological landscape. Our team has in-depth knowledge and expertise in Microsoft technologies. Our solutions are comprehensive and align seamlessly with your organization’s needs and goals. Choose RAKE Digital for managed services that set new standards in technical excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Contact us today to explore how we can transform your business.