Azure Migration: 1-4 week Implementation


Implementation of migration path for new and current customers to RKON's Cloud Service Provider (CSP)

Our goal is to help our customers build an integrated cloud foundation that supports a connected business environment while providing security and scalability across your entire organizational infrastructure. By enabling a strong and secure cloud foundation your business will open doors for disparate branches of your organization to seamlessly achieve desired communication, security, reliability, and efficiency.

Properly migrating to a well optimized Microsoft Azure cloud architecture is proven to lower IT costs, reduce data footprints, and scale easily as business demand rises – fitting RKON’s QuietIT philosophy. RKON understands the complex technical implications of migrating to the cloud which is why we follow a very structured methodology in leveraging our Microsoft Azure Cloud Migration Services.

At RKON, we offer a rapid migration path for new or existing customers to Azure. Our meticulous process ensures a smooth transition to the cloud while maintaining peak performance, security, compliance, and manageability.

Here's what you can expect:

  1. Initial Assessment: We begin by thoroughly analyzing your organization's current technology, infrastructure, and operational processes. This involves understanding your unique business needs and technological environment.

  2. Gap Analysis and Solution Review: With a clear understanding of your setup, we identify any gaps and assess available options. Our team will review potential solutions to ensure they align with your business objectives and enhance your technological capabilities.

  3. Strategic Planning and Implementation: In the final step, we collaborate closely with your team to develop a detailed plan. This plan outlines our recommendations and the steps needed to achieve your goals. We provide continuous support, helping you navigate the complexities of modernizing and optimizing your workspaces.

RKON keeps your operations running smoothly, adhering to best practices for security, compliance, and manageability throughout the process. Experience a hassle-free transition to Azure with RKON's expert guidance and comprehensive services.

Contact us today to get started!