Birlasoft intelliOpen: 2 Weeks Assessment


An intelligent system for contactless screening, social distancing monitoring.

IntelliOpen is an analytics-based, integrated solution to better control the spread of Covid 19 within the manufacturing plants, warehouses, corporate or regional facilities, storefronts, and field locations, as it leverages thermal cameras for detecting temperatures, which act as the primary line of defense.

With Birlasoft intelliOpen™, businesses can now confidently reopen their facilities and workplaces. intelliOpen uses digital technologies to provide you with the much-needed defense as part of your 'return-to-work' strategy, be it reopening the business or running operations in a compliant manner. It is an intelligent system for contactless screening people's social distancing monitoring.

intelliOpen is powered by Microsoft Azure. Azure Platform-as-a-Service makes intelliOpen quick to deploy, highly available, and scalable. It uses Azure Cognitive services to enhance the experience for social distancing and contactless operations. Leveraging Microsoft Power BI, which helps our customers closely monitor their Employees' health status, Compliance status, and Hierarchy reports can get instant answers with rich dashboards available for every device.

This process is divided into two weeks: Week :1 - As part of this offer, we engage with you to understand your requirements and perform a study of your facilities (including structural design, wiring, existing equipment, route planning, network connectivity, etc.) Week: 2 - Based on the details & analysis, our team will suggest the best possible recommendation for the solution, hardware, etc.

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