Establish a self-service research platform on Azure: 4-Wk Implementation


A unique self-service research platform on Azure enabling access to powerful resources on demand and supporting more agile ways of working and collaborating on research projects.

Today’s research institutions, medical centers, and research labs are looking for agility, easier management and access to enhanced resources and capacity to enable the increased demand for next-generation sequencing (NGS).

Our cloud-based platform gives users autonomy to deploy their own compute and storage resources, by enabling infrastructure teams to make use of a rich catalogue of solutions available in the cloud to create powerful tailored offerings, while controlling costs.

BizData's experienced team of Research Solution specialists will help you implement a production-ready environment that enables researchers, academics and students across the organization to make use of a targeted catalogue of cloud capabilities, including Azure’s advanced infrastructure for high performance computing and scaled analytics. With a range of pre-installed analytics tools and intelligence tools such as R, Python, Jupyter, SparkR, Power BI Desktop, H2O,Rattle, Vowpal Wabbit, TensorFlow, and Caffe, our platform will allow you to analyze your data seamlessly.


  1. Decrease the time to analyse genomic data, enabling larger studies and a wider research scope
  2. Overcome bottlenecks of existing infrastructure to deliver answers faster and allow more time for final analysis


  1. A cost effective, trusted and high performance platform for genomics workloads, including High Performance Compute, Blob Storage and Advanced Analytics (R, Hadoop, Spark and ML)
  2. Sustainable storage and processing power flexes with demand, reducing overhead whilst advanced analytics capability can run in thousands of nodes in parallel


  1. Azure provides the supercomputing and storage resources often difficult to access by independent researchers and institutions
  2. Use existing tools, applications and workflow managers to process and analyse data


This unique 4 week engagement will include:

  • 1/2 day Customer workshop to identify pilot projects, project participants, roles of each participant, project timelines, measures of success
  • Deployment, custom configuration and testing of research data platform
  • Creation and testing of one custom deployment template per pilot project
  • 4 days of specialised training sessions for administrators and researchers
  • 8 days of one-on-one researcher support to assist with onboarding and project initiation, including custom VM images creation, deployment template fine tuning and additional template creation, help with data movement, etc.

Our self-service research platform takes advantage of the high performance capabilities of Azure to deliver actionable insight faster than ever before.

*NOTE: All terms, conditions and pricing are subject to each engagement.