DFDocumentExtractor Implementation

Cloud4C Services Pte Ltd

Streamline document processing with Document Extractor, where users can upload PDFs, select suggested questions or type queries, and receive accurate, AI-powered results in real time.

DF Document Extractor is an AI-powered document processing solution designed to help users efficiently analyze and extract information from PDF documents by leveraging the robust infrastructure and services of Microsoft Azure. Whether processing contracts, invoices, medical records, or other structured documents, this solution provides a seamless, Azure-integrated workflow that simplifies document analysis, ensuring faster and more accurate results.

Our solution is ideal for industries such as legal, healthcare, insurance, and finance, where automation of document processing can significantly reduce manual effort and improve decision-making.

How DF Document Extractor Extends Your Use of Microsoft Azure:

  • Azure Blob Storage: All input files, including deskewed PDFs, are securely stored in Azure Blob Storage for seamless accessibility and scalability.
  • Azure Form Recognizer: Content extraction from documents is powered by Azure Cognitive Services, utilizing the highly accurate Azure Form Recognizer to analyze the document structure and extract relevant data.
  • Azure OpenAI: To identify and retrieve key fields from the extracted content, we leverage Azure OpenAI Services, ensuring intelligent document understanding and contextual analysis.
  • Azure SQL: All extracted data, including JSON outputs, are securely stored and managed in Azure SQL, providing an organized repository for easy retrieval and further processing.
  • Azure Web App: Our solution is deployed using Azure Web App, ensuring high availability, scalability, and secure access for users across industries.

Key Features:

  • Document Upload: Users can easily upload PDF documents, which are securely stored in Azure Blob Storage.
  • Smart Suggestions: Azure AI generates relevant questions based on document content, guiding the user for faster insights.
  • Custom Queries: Users can submit custom questions, with responses powered by Azure OpenAI, tailored to specific document content.
  • AI-Powered Analysis: Document analysis is conducted using Azure Form Recognizer and Azure OpenAI, delivering accurate, actionable insights in real-time.
  • Streamlined Workflow: From document upload to extraction and storage, the solution leverages Azure's ecosystem to automate the entire process, saving time and reducing manual effort.

By harnessing the full power of Azure services, DF Document Extractor provides an end-to-end solution for automating document analysis, helping organizations boost productivity and enhance their use of Azure technologies.
