Shopify integration with Dynamics - 5 Days POC

NeosAlpha Technologies Limited

Proof of Concept to integrate eCommerce App Shopify with Microsoft Dynamics leveraging Azure Integration Services

Azure Integration Services (AIS) is a powerful integration platform, that includes Azure Logic Apps, Service Bus, API Management and Event Grid. Dynamics 365 customers can leverage Azure for integrating to other SaaS (like Shopify) and on-premise systems.

AIS makes it easy to fully integrate Shopify eCommerce app with Microsoft Dynamics syncing orders, customers, products, refunds, custom objects to and from your business databases, marketing platforms, ERP, finance and more – making data available when you need it.

During the 5-Day integration PoC using Azure Integration Services NeosAlpha team will analyse integration requirements, work on integration solution design between Dynamics and Shopify.

Pricing - £2500 for 5 days of engagement, exclusive of travel, hotel and other subsistence expenses.

Agenda and Schedule plan for the 5 days -

Day 1 | Kick-Off meeting, understand integration scenarios and review the scope of POC and success criterion

Day 2 | Prioritise 2 integration flows, analysis, design, object mapping, connection mechanism, error handling

Day 3-4 | Develop integration processes

  • Customize Microsoft Dynamics and Shopify integration with triggers and actions.
  • Develop and unit test POC (Proof of Concept) to Integrate Shopify eCommerce applications with Microsoft Dynamic.
  • Document the deliverables

Day 5 | Final walk-through of the approach, solution and integration processes demonstration, Proof of Concept closure, and planning of next steps.

Deliverables: Our deliverables will include PoC design, implementation code base and documentation (optional).