- Consulting services
Sogeti eAPM Assessment 1 week
Economic Application Portfolio Management
Economic Application Portfolio Management (eAPM) from Capgemini is a unique solution developed to provide an in-depth view into an organizations’ entire IT portfolio. It is a bestin-class portfolio management analysis tool with a graphical visualization layer that leverages insights from over 500 portfolio assessments to improve IT performance and drive informed decision-making related to business and digital transformation with Azure. It combines a proven assessment methodology and decision-making framework to both analyze a broad set of data across applications, infrastructure, operations, business process, and finance and deliver a roadmap and business case for transformation leveraging Capgemini's Microsoft Azure Professional Services delivery capabilities.
The Assessment will deliver a Business Case that will summarize: Current State Costs Future State Costs Estimated Savings Application Waves/ Project Timelines Implementation Costs
Potential Pilot assessment would include: Identify applications for pilot migration based on business priority/value for moving to Azure Merge 3-5 applications Develop migration runbooks for identified applications and Develop a client specific methodology based on these migrations