Spot by NetApp


Spot by NetApp


Continuously optimize and automate your Microsoft Azure infrastructure to deliver apps at scale

Spot by NetApp offers a comprehensive, enterprise-grade portfolio of FinOps and infrastructure optimization solutions purpose-built to support Azure environments.

The Spot by NetApp portfolio delivers continuous visibility and analytics as well as automated infrastructure and cost optimization. By automatically optimizing cost management and infrastructure provisioning processes and balancing purchasing decisions with application performance, reliability and scalability requirements, Spot by NetApp products free Azure DevOps teams from operational complexity and empower FinOps stakeholders with intelligent data that facilitates alignment, ownership and accountability, while maximizing application performance and driving business growth.

Spot by NetApp’s CloudOps solutions for Azure include:

Infrastructure automation and optimization solutions

Spot Ocean: Ensures availability and optimize costs for containers - Ocean automates cloud infrastructure for containers. It continuously analyzes how your containers are using infrastructure, automatically scaling compute resources to maximize utilization and availability utilizing the optimal blend of spot, reserved and on-demand compute VMs.

Spot Elastigroup: Enables cost-optimized, highly available and automated infrastructure scaling for Azure environments. By making Azure Spot VMs consistent and stateful, Spot Elastigroup makes it easy to deploy mission critical and stateful workloads on Azure Spot VMs, while balancing performance, availability and cost. With advanced auto-scaling for predictable performance, plus integrations with dozens of Azure services and tools, it just takes a few clicks to get started.

FinOps insights and management suite

Spot Eco: Provides full lifecycle management for Reserved Instances and Savings Plans. Eco maximizes RI utilization and automates the optimization of your reserved commitment portfolio by utilizing advanced exchanges and the RI Marketplace to maximize the ROI on the widest range of Azure services.

Cost Intelligence delivers granular, actionable analytics on costs and resources across multi-cloud environments through highly customizable dashboards, best practice checks for cost, usage and utilization as well as cost optimization workflows.

Billing Engine streamlines invoicing and delivers comprehensive billing reporting with intelligent cost allocation, including chargeback/showback.

Spot Security Essentials: Identifies, maps, correlates and contextualizes risk attributes across your cloud infrastructure including misconfigurations and compliance violations. Then prioritizes the risks and provides remediation steps enabling users to resolve the highest priority risks to the business in the least amount of time. By bundling Cloud cost visibility and analytics with these security essentials, FinOps practitioners can collaborate effectively with security staff to make the right cost and security decisions for the business.

Fee Calculation:

The customer’s monthly fee, Actual Monthly Fees and Actual Fees (as applicable) shall be calculated based on customer’s actual usage each month, as follows:

Elastigroup and Ocean

For customer’s use of Microsoft Azure (“Azure”) on-demand instances, reserved instances (“RIs”), savings plans (“SPs”) and reserved capacity (“RC”) and/or other cloud providers on-demand instances, RIs, SPS, RC or committed usage discounts (“CUD”), the monthly fee equals to X US$ per 100 virtual central processing unit (“vCPU”) hours; Plus

For customer’s use of Azure spot virtual machines (“VMs”) and/or other cloud providers spot instances and/or spot or preemptible VMs, the monthly fee equals to X US$ per 100 vCPU hours.

Or For customer’s use of Azure spot VMs and/or other cloud providers spot instances and/or spot or preemptible VMs, the monthly fee equals X US$ per 1 US$ Savings realized by customer each month.


For Azure RIs, SPs and RC and/or other cloud providers RIs, SPs, RC or committed usage discounts, the monthly fee will be equal to the agreed charge per 1 US$ Savings realized by customer each month.

Billing Engine, Cost Intelligence and Security Essentials

The monthly fee equals X US$ per 1 US$ of customer’s Spend.

The number of monthly vCPU hours shall be determined and the definitions of “Savings” and “Spend” shall be as detailed in the Documentation.