Seamless social app identity integration


Our solution enhances security, streamlines access, and provides customized integration strategies, ensuring robust protection and operational efficiency in a dynamic digital landscape.

Seamless Integration of Social App Identities into Custom Solutions with AVASOFT

Our consulting services are designed to help you leverage Microsoft Azure to integrate social app identities into custom solutions, enhancing your in-house capabilities with our expertise and technology insights.



  • Goal Definition: Align your business requirements with Azure’s capabilities.
  • Requirement Analysis: Tailor the integration to meet the specific needs of your organization using Azure services.


  • Architecture Preparation: Utilize Azure’s cloud architecture to propose robust, scalable solutions.
  • Design Documentation: Prepare documents detailing the Azure-based solution steps.
  • Impact Analysis: Assess how the Azure-integrated solution will enhance your existing infrastructure.


  • Development: Build the solution using Azure development environments to ensure compatibility and scalability.
  • Testing: Execute comprehensive tests in Azure to verify that the solution meets all functional and security standards.


  • Pilot Deployment: Initiate deployment within Azure, ensuring seamless integration for pilot users.
  • Full Rollout: Extend the Azure-based solution across your organization, leveraging the full capabilities of Azure.

What We Do:

  • Social App Selection: Choose the best social apps for integration based on Azure-supported platforms.
  • Authentication Methods: Implement Azure Active Directory B2C to provide a variety of authentication methods.
  • User Profile Mapping: Use Azure services to map social app identities to user profiles securely and efficiently.
  • Authorization and Permissions: Configure permissions and authorizations through Azure to ensure security and compliance.
  • Application Lifecycle Management: Manage the lifecycle of your applications using Azure’s management tools.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: Utilize Azure Monitor for comprehensive insights and real-time analytics.

Key Benefits:

  • Seamless Registration: Leverage Azure to integrate social application identities, reducing friction for new users.
  • Simplified Login: Enhance user satisfaction with Azure’s seamless login capabilities.
  • Flexible Authentication: Offer multiple authentication options supported by Azure, catering to diverse user preferences.


  • Azure-Based Social App Integration: Tailored integration of social app identities using Azure technologies.
  • Robust Authentication Framework: Developed using Azure Active Directory B2C for superior security.
  • Comprehensive Lifecycle Management: Managed entirely within Azure to ensure continuous efficiency and compliance.

Offering Cost: Costs and timelines are tailored based on the Azure integration complexity and the specific requirements of your applications.

Enhance your user experience and operational efficiency by leveraging AVASOFT’s expertise in Azure to integrate social app identities into your solutions. For more information or to start enhancing your capabilities with Azure, please contact us.