Azure Resource Move 1-Week Assessment


The Azure Resource Move program is defined to assist customers in moving cloud workloads from one Azure tenant or subscription to another.


An Azure Resource Move assessment offers substantial benefits to customers seeking to optimize and streamline their cloud infrastructure. By utilizing this service, customers gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential impact and feasibility of moving their Azure resources from one location to another within the Azure environment.

Value Proposition

This assessment provides valuable insights into the technical, financial, and operational aspects of resource relocation, enabling customers to make informed decisions that align with their business goals.

Key Benefits

  • Detect resource move/migration supportability upfront.
  • Understand risks and limitations
  • Prepare for a seamless move


The Azure Resource Move Assessment is delivered in three stages:

  1. The initial stage of an Azure resource move assessment involves the identification of resources requiring relocation. These encompass a range of elements, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, databases, and more. Once the pertinent resources are pinpointed, an evaluation of the optimal migration approach follows. It's important to note that certain resource types might necessitate recreation due to their incompatibility with direct relocation.
  2. The next step is assessing any potential issues that may arise during the migration. This may include compatibility issues with existing applications, data transfer and storage limitations, and security concerns. It's important to identify and address these issues early on in the process to ensure a smooth migration.
  3. As an outcome of the assessment tool, a report will be generated and discussed during a review workshop. During this workshop, we will run through the limitations highlighted in the report and select resources in scope for migration. Once the scope of the migration is clear, a proposal for an effective migration can be prepared.

NEW:With the upcoming Azure Belgium Central datacenter, this program will allow customers with data residency requirements to move their datacenter within the country or closer to their premises.